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The brochure below was found on Ebay by dedicated Racquet Road Club Road Estates home owners and mid-century aficionados Kevin Cahill and his partner Chip. They have been very kind in bringing it to our attention and scanning it so that we may all enjoy viewing it here. The brochure is clearly earlier than the first one we added to the site . The prices are lower and the phone number includes an exchange.

We were generously allowed access to an original sales brochure for The Racquet Club Road Estates which is reproduced below. Many thanks to Donna Sherwood for carefully saving this valuable historical record. Mrs. Sherwood is the original owner of a 1961 Racquet Club Alexander and still lives in the same house. Even the architect has no recollection of this brochure and who knows if she might have the only surviving copy. She was featured in a recent Desert Sun Article.
